6th International Conference on Water and Flood Management

with special focus on
Sustainable Water


Date: 17 th November, 2017

Official Language: English

Climate Forecast: Clear with periodic clouds, 28*C.


The International Conference on Water and Flood Management is being organized by the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) of BUET biennially since 2007. The conference aims at bringing together the advanced science and practice in water and flood management that play a key role in economic growth, social development and environmental protection. Each time the conference attempts to draw attention of the academicians, researchers, policy makers and practitioners from home and abroad to the emerging issues in the water sector. The focus of this conference will be on sustainable use of water and water sector interventions that will increase the resilience in a changing world facing extreme climatic events. ’ In recent times, the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ of the United Nations and ‘Climate Agreement’ initiated at COP21 are two important developments in the international arena that address the current trends and future directions in science and practice in water and environment sectors. Sustainable develop- ment goals address the dimensions of sustainable development of environ- ment, economics and society while climate agreement aims at dealing with future climate change through adaptation and mitigation. These interventions encourage sustainable use and management of water resource. Increasing water scarcity, urban population growth and deteriorating infrastructure are affecting water security around the world, particularly the climate vulnerable countries like Bangladesh. With this special focus on science, policy and practice to ensure sustainability in the water sector, this conference will work as a platform for researchers, policy makers and practitioners to exchange their knowledge and experience. The deliberations are expected to help formulate integrated plans, policies and actions towards improved water security and sustainability. The conference seeks to bring forward research findings, case studies, recent advances in planning and design methodologies, success stories and examples of sustain- able water use and management. It is expected that the young researchers will be particularly benefitted from this conference as their interdisciplinary under- standing of the use of water resource in a sustainable way enhances.


04 th November, 2017 Deadline for abstract submission (Closed)

19 th November, 2017 Notification of abstract acceptance (Closed)

24 th December, 2017 Deadline for full paper submission (Extended upto 31 October, 2016)

23 th December, 2017 Notification of full paper acceptance

31 th December, 2017 Submission of camera-ready manuscript and deadline for registration

16 th December, 2017 Conference Days

  • Floods and Drainage

    Hydrological forecasting

    Flood prevention and mitigation

    Integrated approaches to flood management

    Urban flooding and drainageclimatic events. Engineering

  • Rivers, Coasts and Estuaries

    River basin dynamics and restoration

    Flood prevention and mitigation

    Integrated approaches to flood management

    Urban flooding and drainageclimatic events. Engineering

  • Deltas and Floodplains

    Tidal river management

    Floodplain interventions

    Management of freshwater flow and saline water intrusion

    Flow, sediment and water quality dynamics

    Adaptive management of deltas and floodplains

    Integration of urban planning and water management

  • Ecosystems and Environment

    Ecosystem protection and biodiversity maintenance

    Contamination of freshwater resources

    Water pollution and ecosystem degradation

    Management of aquatic habitats

    Sustainable use of floodplain and coastal resources

    Renewable water energy and water management for energy production

  • Hazards, Disasters and Climate

    Biophysical and socioeconomic vulnerability and impact

    Resiliency against water related hazards

    Climate change impact, adaptation and mitigation

    Climate prediction and modeling

    Trends in extreme climatic events

    Weather forecasting and early warning

  • Infrastructure and Development

    Urban water infrastructure

    Landscape modification and flow regime changes

    Integrated land use planning for sustainable environment and infrastructure development

    Shore protection, port structure and navigation channel

  • Agriculture and Food

    Water conservation, water use efficiency and productivity

    Virtual water trade

    Water and food security

    Reduction of vulnerability to drought and salinity

    Integration with water needs of other sectors

    Sustainable water use in agricultural sector

  • Social and livelihood transformations

    Sustainable livelihoods and livelihood security

    Cross-sectoral integration at the community level

    Gender differentiation and mainstreaming in water management

    Participatory approaches to water management

    Balancing biodiversity conservation with community livelihoods

    Water entrepreneurship

  • Health and Sanitation

    Sustainability of clean water and sanitation interventions

    Health risks associated with wastewater re-use and agriculture

    Flood related health and sanitation

    Human health and well-being associated with weather and climate variability

    Access to and availability of safe water

  • Policy and Governance

    Risk transfer and equity

    Institutional integration for water management

    Conflicts and cooperation in water and flood management

    International water laws, treaties and water rights

    Climate policy and agreements

    Demand management, water allocation and access

  • Innovative Tools and Modeling

    Information and knowledge management systems

    Decision Support Systems

    Indicator-based decision frameworks

    Integrated modeling

    Climate policy and agreements

    Simulation of water resources system

    Application of artificial intelligence

    Cyberinfrastructure for water management

    Remote sensing and GIS applications

Regestration Fees:

Non SAARC Countries U.S. $500

SAARC Countries U.S. $150

Local participants Tk. 5000

Local participants (Students) Tk. 3000

Method Of Payment(Participants from abroad):

All payments should be made in favor of: ICWFM-IWFM, Current Account No. 33011231, Sonali Bank, BUET Branch, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh (Swift Code: BSON BDDH LOD).

Method Of Payment(Local Participants):

Local participants can make payment by Demand Draft or in cash. Demand drafts should be sent to the Conference Secretariat. Cash payments should be made in person at the Conference Secretariat. All payments should be made in favor of: ICWFM-IWFM, Current Account No. 33011231, Sonali Bank, BUET Branch, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.


Prof. Md. Rezaur Rahman, IWFM, BUET

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Mohammad Asad Hussain, IWFM, BUET

Assistant Organizing Secretary

Shammi Haque, IWFM, BUET


Prof. Abul Fazal M. Saleh, IWFM, BUET

Prof. Tarekul Islam, IWFM, BUET

Prof. Mashfiqus Salehin, IWFM, BUET

Prof. Mirjahan Miah, DWRE, BUET

Prof. M.R. Kabir, University of Asia Pacific

Prof. Mirjahan Miah, DWRE, BUET

Prof. Hamidul Huq, United International University

Dr. Najmul Islam, Pabna University of Science and Technology

Mr. Mahfuzur Rahman, BWDB

Mr. Md. Mohsin, LGED

Dr. Sultan Ahmed, DoE


Prof. M. Shah Alam Khan, IWFM, BUET


Prof. M. Anisul Haque, IWFM, BUET

Prof. M. Shahjahan Mondal, IWFM, BUET

Prof. Umme Kulsum Navera, DWRE, BUET

Dr. Maminul Haque Sarker, CEGIS

Local Advisory Committee

Prof. Neil Adger, University of Exeter, UK

Prof. Oriana Trindade de Almeida, Universidade Federal do Para (UFPA), Brazil

Prof. Eelco van Beek, Deltares, The Netherlands

Prof. Richard Betts, University of Exeter, UK

Prof. A. K. Gosain, IIT Delhi, India

Prof. Nimal Gunawardena, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Prof. Sugata Hazra, Jadavpur University, India

Dr. Robert Hope, Oxford University, UK

Dr. Saleemul Huq, ICCCAD, IUB, Bangladesh

Prof. Shafiqul Islam, Tufts University, USA

Prof. J. Craig Jenkins, Ohio State University, USA

Prof. Zhaohui Lin, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Prof. Haijiang Liu, Zhejiang University, China

Prof. Peter P. Mollinga, University of London, UK

Prof. Hajime Nakagawa, Kyoto University, Japan

Prof. Robert J. Nicholls, University of Southampton, UK

Dr. Cynthia E. Rosenzweig, Columbia University, USA

Prof. Ioannis Tsanis, Technical University of Crete, Greece

Dr. Saleh A. Wasimi, Central Queensland University, Australia

Dr. Philippus Wester, ICIMOD, Nepal

Prof. Chris Zevenbergen, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands

International Advisory Committee

Prof. Neil Adger, University of Exeter, UK

Prof. Oriana Trindade de Almeida, Universidade Federal do Para (UFPA), Brazil

Prof. Eelco van Beek, Deltares, The Netherlands

Prof. Richard Betts, University of Exeter, UK

Prof. A. K. Gosain, IIT Delhi, India

Prof. Nimal Gunawardena, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Prof. Sugata Hazra, Jadavpur University, India

Dr. Robert Hope, Oxford University, UK

Dr. Saleemul Huq, ICCCAD, IUB, Bangladesh

Prof. Shafiqul Islam, Tufts University, USA

Prof. J. Craig Jenkins, Ohio State University, USA

Prof. Zhaohui Lin, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Prof. Haijiang Liu, Zhejiang University, China

Prof. Peter P. Mollinga, University of London, UK

Prof. Hajime Nakagawa, Kyoto University, Japan

Prof. Robert J. Nicholls, University of Southampton, UK

Dr. Cynthia E. Rosenzweig, Columbia University, USA

Prof. Ioannis Tsanis, Technical University of Crete, Greece

Dr. Saleh A. Wasimi, Central Queensland University, Australia

Dr. Philippus Wester, ICIMOD, Nepal

Prof. Chris Zevenbergen, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands


Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM)

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,

Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

E-mail: icwfm2017@gmail.com

Phone: +880 2 9665601

Fax: +880 2 9665601 (Attention: ICWFM-2017)

Website: http://iwfm.buet.ac.bd/iwfm/icwfm2017.php