Venue: CIRDAP International Conference Center (CICC) Click for details
Date: 14-16 October, 2019
Official Language: English
Climate Forecast:
The International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM) has been held biennially since 2007 by the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), and ICWFM 2023 is the ninth event. Water management in general, and flood management in particular, is an interdisciplinary field that requires integrated knowledge from diverse fields such as hydrology, hydraulics, morphology, atmospheric science, climate, environmental pollution, ecosystem, agriculture, disaster, vulnerability, risk, gender, livelihood, and poverty. As physical and socioeconomic risks change as a result of climate change and anthropogenic interventions, integrated approaches to analyzing these processes and their interactions, as well as incorporating nature-based solutions, are gaining traction. This conference aims to serve as a common platform for bringing together the most recent developments in the aforementioned fields. The central theme of ICWFM-2023 is ‘Climate Extremes and Resilient Development’. In recent years, the world has witnessed unprecedented extreme events. Cherapunji (India) received its third highest rainfall in 122 years in 24 hours in 2022, with floods submerging nearly 80-90% of north-eastern districts of Bangladesh. The 2022 drought in Europe appeared to be the worst drought in the last 500 years. Extreme events are occurring more frequently, and therefore, it is high time the world took a closer look at extreme events and incorporate appropriate management measures into planning efforts. We truly think that our hard and soft development strategies should be robust enough to withstand these climatic extremes.
1st November, 2018
Deadline for submission of extended abstract
10th November, 2018
Extended Deadline for submission of extended abstract
1st December, 2018
Notification of abstract acceptance
31st December, 2018
Deadline for submission of final extended abstract
15th January, 2019 Deadline for Conference Registration
Hydrometeorological Hazards and Risk
Floods and Drainage
Rivers, Coasts, Estuaries and Deltas
Water Infrastructure and Resilient Development
Water and Livelihood Security
Ecosystems and Environment
Water Governance
Authors and individuals interested in attending the conference are requested to send the completed 'Intent of Participation' form to the Conference Secretariat by 01 November 2018.
Extended Abstracts (500-600 words) on the conference themes are being invited from interested authors. The template of the extended abstract can be found in the download section of the Conference website ( Extended abstract should be sent to the Conference Secretariat by 01 November 2018 via e-mail in an MS Word file. Theme of the paper should be mentioned in the subject heading of the e-mail. An individual can be the lead author of a maximum of two papers. Notification of acceptance of extended abstracts will be sent by 01 December 2018. Pre-conference proceedings will be published based on the accepted abstracts. Post-conference proceedings of selected invited papers (in the form of full papers) would be published by internationally renowned publishers. A paper must be presented to be considered for selection. A panel of experts will make the selection based on the merits of extended abstract and presentation.
A field visit will be arranged on the third day of the conference for selected registered participants. Participants will visit a largescale flood control and irrigation project and a town protection project located on the Lower Meghna, the combined outfall of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna. The river cruise to the project site will cross the world's largest river confluence. Please visit conference website for further details.
A number of international paper presenters will be awarded full or partial grants to attend the conference. The partial grant will cover registration fee, accommodation, basic living and local transport during the conference. Full grant will additionally cover international airfare. Interested presenting authors are requested to apply for financial support through submitting the ‘Intent of Participation’ form along with Extended Abstract by 01 November 2018.
Registration Fees:
Registration fee for one Presenting/Corresponding author:
Non SAARC Countries USD 500
Non SAARC Countries (Students) USD 200
SAARC Countries USD 150
Local participants BDT 5000
Local participants (Students) BDT 1000
Registration fee for Co-author (per person):
Non SAARC Countries USD 500
Non SAARC Countries (Students) USD 200
SAARC Countries USD 150
Local participants BDT 5000
Local participants (Students) BDT 5000
Registration fee for Delegates (per person):
Non SAARC Countries USD 500
SAARC Countries USD 150
Local participants BDT 5000
Bangladeshi citizens having full-time affiliations (as students/employees) abroad will not qualify as local participants. Registration fees will cover registration materials, inaugural ceremony, tea/coffee and lunch during conference, conference proceedings, technical visit and closing dinner. The registration fees will not cover individual, medical or personal insurance. Registration details, hotel information, visa requirements, etc., will be available on the conference website.
Method of Payment ( Participants from abroad ):
All payments should be made in favor of: ICWFM-IWFM, Current Account No. 4404033011231, Sonali Bank, BUET Branch, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh (Swift Code: BSON BDDH LOD).
Method of Payment ( Local Participants ):
Local participants can make payment by bank transfer bank deposit or in cash (in conference secretariat). Cash payments should be made in person at the Conference Secretariat. All payments should be made in favor of: ICWFM-IWFM, Current Account No. 4404033011231, Sonali Bank, BUET Branch, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
Institute of Water and Flood Management,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Phone: +88029665601