Trend Analysis of Pre-Monsoon Flash Flood of the North East Haor Region of Bangladesh
7th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2019), March 2- 4, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Roy, B., Islam, G. M. T., Islam, A.K.M. S., Bhattacharya B., & Khan, M. J. U.
Area: Hydrology, Statistical analysis
Timeline: 2019
Frequency Analysis of Flash Floods for Establishing New Danger Levels for the Rivers in the Northeast Haor Region of Bangladesh
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 24(4), 05019004.
Roy, B., Islam, A. S., Islam, G. T., Khan, M. J. U., Bhattacharya, B., Ali, M. H., Khan, A.S., Hossain, M.S., Sarker, G.C.; & Pieu, N. M.
Area: Hydrology; Frequency Analysis
Timeline: 2019
A Study on Monsoon Flood Hazard of Arial Khan River Floodplain under Future Climate Change Scenario
2018 International Workshop for Young Scientists of the Hindu Kush Himalayan, 5-6 November, 2018, in Beijing, China.
Roy, B., Khan, S. M., Islam, A.K.M. S., Mohammad, K., & Khan, J.U.
Area: Hydrodynamic Modelling, Hazard and Risk, Climate Change
Timeline: 2018
Simulation of Flow Field along the Jamuna River of Bangladesh
3rd International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, April 18-21, 2017, New Delhi, India
Roy B., Shampa, Dustegir M. M., Islam M. R., Haque S., Rahman M. M., & Haque A.
Area: Hydraulic Modeling
Timeline: 2017
Recommending new warning levels for the river system of the haor region of Bangladesh in forecasting flash floods
In 6th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2017), March 4- 6, 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 39 – 48.
Roy B., Islam, A.K.M. S., & Islam, G. M. T. (2017).
Area: Hydrology, Frequency Analysis
Timeline: 2017
Preliminary Measurement along an Eroding Bend in a Sand Bed Braided River Using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
6th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2017), March 4- 6, 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 39 – 48.
Islam M. R., Roy B., Haque S., Rahman M. M., Dustegir M., Nakagawa H. & Hasegawa Y.
Area: Hydraulic Measurement
Timeline: 2017
Temporal Analysis of Land Use Pattern Changes in Chittagong District of Bangladesh using Google Earth and ArcGIS
Annual Int'l Conference on Chemical Processes, Ecology & Environmental Engineering (ICCPEE’16), April 28-29, 2016, Pattaya, Thailand. (ISBN 978-93-84468-51-4), pp.243-248.
Roy B., & Saha P.
Area: Remote Sensing & GIS
Timeline: 2016
A Study on Hydrodynamic and Morphological Behavior of Padma River using Delft3D Model
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2016), 12~14 February 2016, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh. (ISBN: 978-984-34-0265-3), pp. 561-572.
Roy B., Haider M. R., & Yunus A.
Area: Hydraulic Modeling
Timeline: 2016