Field Based Applied Research on “Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR)” technology for increasing cropping intensity of Bangladesh

Researche Funding: Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF)

Faculty Researcher: Dr Sara Nowreen, Prof Dr Mashfiqus Salehin

Collaboration: Lead: Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), BUET; Affiliate: Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC)

Duration: December, 2020 - December, 2023

Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) is a concept of artificial recharge and recently been promoted by Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100. India has many success stories of implementing ASR for increasing cropping intensity by (a) removal of waterlogging, and (b) supplying irrigation cum domestic water. However, no field-based application has yet been attempted in Bangladesh for agricultural purposes. With this aim to increase cropping intensity of Bangladesh, bore well aquifer type ASR is expected to be useful, innovative water management solution for farmers facing drought, water-logged and salinity situations. ASR gets their land free from water logging in peak monsoon and during post-monsoon period allows farmers to access best quality irrigation water at their farming land. ASR is an added benefit along with salinity solution for the coastal region. Thereby, first, the study will explore the opportunity of using ASR set-up in the saline prone coastal area namely, Dacope. Second, it will assess the possibility of using existing STW structures in both recharging and irrigation pumping for the North region (i.e., NatorRajshahi, and Tangail) to the current experimental set-up of ASR.