Bangladesh is predominantly a floodplain country where water is key to socio-economic development and sustainability of the eco-system. Flood, drought, cyclone, river erosion, siltation, and water scarcity in dry season have made water management a challenging task. The gradual degradation of the environment due to human interventions is adding further complexities to water management.



June 26, 2024

Prospectus for Admission into Postgraduate Programs: April 2024

June 26, 2024

Advertisement for Admission into Postgraduate Programs: April 2024

June 8, 2023

Course Content of WRD, CMRM and HE Programs

May 27, 2023

IWFM Postgraduate Program Flyer 2023

July 15, 2022

International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment (IPWE) Conference 2023

September 9, 2019

Highlight of DECCMA Achievement


Current Students


The Institute offers post graduate degrees for the professionals and fresh graduates.

Professional Services

Prof Dr Mohammad Rezaur Rahman

Member of the Steering Committee, Himalayan University Consortium (HUC)

January 2020 – Present

Member of the academic rules, regulations and syllabus preparation committee, and the Institute of Water and Environment, Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh

September 21, 2019 – Present

Member of the Joint Technical Committee (JTC) for conducting the Feasibility Study of the Ganges-Padma Barrage Project with Alternate Option Analysis for Optimum Utilization of the Water received under the provisions of Ganges Water Sharing Treaty, 1996, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of Bangladesh

October 15, 2019 – Present

Expert member, Syllabus Committee, Department of Coastal Studies and Disaster Management, University of Barisal

December 10, 2019 – Present

Prof Dr Md Munsur Rahman

Member of the Executive Committee, Faculty of Disaster Management, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh

2018- present

Member of the Editorial Board, Progress in Disaster Science, Journal Elsevier

2017- present

Focal point, Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100

Expert member, Panel of Selection Board, Department of Civil Engineering, RUET

2012- present

Prof Dr Mashfiqus Salehin

Member, Board of Governors, Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)

Member, Task Force on Water Sector, Institution of Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh

Member, External Advisory Board of the NIHR Global Health Research Center for NCDs and Environmental Change

Member, Technical Advisory Committee, Support to the Implementation of the Bangladesh Delta Plan (SIBDP) Project

Member, Committee of the Focal Points, Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100

Member of Bangladesh Delegation, Water Resources Secretary Level Meeting between Bangladesh and India (August 2019, Dhaka; March 2021, New Delhi; August 2022, New Delhi)

Member of Bangladesh Delegation, the 38th Meeting of the India- Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission (August 2022, New Delhi)

Member, Committee for identifying solutions for optimum utilization of water received under the provisions of Ganges Water Sharing Treaty 1996, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of Bangladesh

Member, Committee for Expansion of Bangladesh-India Cooperation on Flood Forecasting and Warning, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of Bangladesh

Member, Joint Technical Committee (Bangladesh-India) for Feasibility Study for optimum utilization of the Ganges Water and sustainable development of the Ganges Dependent Area (GDA) under the provisions of Ganges Water Sharing Treaty, 1996

Member, Bangladesh National Committee of ICID (BANCID)

Member, Panel of Experts, Action Plan for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 6

Member, Technical Valuing Water Committee, Prime Minister’s Office

Member, River Master Plan Committee, Ministry of Local Government

Member, Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) Technical Committee, under the UNFCCC Technology Transfer program, implemented by Department of Environment (DoE), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Member, Project Evaluation Committee, ‘Operationalizing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Compliance with the Bangladesh Water Rules, 2018’ project, Water Resources Planning Organization, Ministry of Water Resources

Member, Technical Committee, ‘Water Security Assessment in South-West Coastal Region of Bangladesh’ project, Water Resources Planning Organization, Ministry of Water Resources

Member, Expert Panel on “Operationalizing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Compliance with the Bangladesh Water Rules, 2018: Determining Safe Yield of Aquifer and Identifying the Water Stress Area”, Water Resources Planning Organization, Ministry of Water Resources

Member, ITN-BUET Research Committee (ITN: International Training Network, Centre for Water Supply & Waste Management)



Dr Sayed Mohammed Nazim Uddin


suddin@uvic.ca / sayed.uddin@auw.edu.bd

+880 172 113 0505 / +1 778 587 8120

Duration: 2009-2012


Professor Sayed Mohammed Nazim Uddin’s research interests include wastewater/greywater treatment and management; Global Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) and Health; solid waste management; sustainable sanitation; resource and energy recovery; community-based research; social innovation and water resources management; and disaster/hazard risk reduction.

Education: P.D.F. in Geography, University of Victoria, Canada | Ph.D. in Environmental Science & Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China. | M.Sc. in Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan | NUGELP Certificate in Water and Waste Management, Nagoya University Global Environmental Leaders Program, Japan | M.Sc. in Water Resources Development, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh | Int. Diploma in Community Development, Asian Social Institute, Philippines | Int. Course in Environmental Accounting and Management, Beijing Normal University, China | B.Sc. (First Class Honors) in Environmental Sciences, National University, Bangladesh

Dr Animesh Kumar Gain


Not Available

Duration: 2010-2020


Environmental Policy and Planning Group (EPP), Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Dr. Gain has research interest in the broad field of social ecological systems, coastal management, water resources management and climate change adaptation. Specifically Dr. Gain contributed to the assessment of flood and water scarcity risks integrating both hydrological and socio-economic factors. In addition, he published several articles in the field of Vulnerability Assessment, Integrated Water Resources Management, Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Security Nexus and Climate Change Adaptation.

Dr Ali Mohammad Rezaie

Assistant Professor, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Not Available

Duration: 2015-2019


Ph.D. in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, George Mason University, USA, 2020 | M.Sc. in Water Resource Development, IWFM, BUET, Bangladesh, 2015 | B.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh, 2012