Venue: CIRDAP International Conference Center (CICC)
Click for details

Date: 14-16 October, 2023

Official Language: English

Climate Forecast:


The International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM) has been held biennially since 2007 by the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), and ICWFM 2023 is the ninth event. Water management in general, and flood management in particular, is an interdisciplinary field that requires integrated knowledge from diverse fields such as hydrology, hydraulics, morphology, atmospheric science, climate, environmental pollution, ecosystem, agriculture, disaster, vulnerability, risk, gender, livelihood, and poverty. As physical and socioeconomic risks change as a result of climate change and anthropogenic interventions, integrated approaches to analyzing these processes and their interactions, as well as incorporating nature-based solutions, are gaining traction. This conference aims to serve as a common platform for bringing together the most recent developments in the aforementioned fields. The central theme of ICWFM-2023 is ‘Climate Extremes and Resilient Development’. In recent years, the world has witnessed unprecedented extreme events. Cherapunji (India) received its third highest rainfall in 122 years in 24 hours in 2022, with floods submerging nearly 80-90% of north-eastern districts of Bangladesh. The 2022 drought in Europe appeared to be the worst drought in the last 500 years. Extreme events are occurring more frequently, and therefore, it is high time the world took a closer look at extreme events and incorporate appropriate management measures into planning efforts. We truly think that our hard and soft development strategies should be robust enough to withstand these climatic extremes.


01 April 2023 Abstract submission opens

31 May 2023 Deadline for extended abstract submission

10 July 2023 Notification of abstract acceptance

15 July 2023 Registration begins

16 August 2023 Deadline for conference registration

Hydrometeorological Hazards and Risk

  • Trends in extreme climatic events
  • Hydrometeorological forecasting and warning
  • Vulnerability to natural hazards and risk
  • Resilience against water-related hazards and risk
  • Harmonizing autonomous and planned adaptations
  • Transformative adaptation for climate change
  • Forecast based anticipatory actions

Floods and Drainage

  • Flood damage mitigation and resilience
  • Urban flooding and storm-water management
  • Waterlogging and drainage management
  • Integrated approaches to flood management
  • Nature-based solutions in flood risk management

Rivers, Coasts, Estuaries and Deltas

  • River dynamics and restoration
  • Hydro-morphology and bank erosion
  • Riverine, coastal and estuarine processes
  • Riverine and coastal erosion-sedimentation
  • Storm surge and tidal flooding
  • Nature-based solutions for coastal protection
  • Systems approach towards managing coastal river-floodplain System

Water Infrastructure and Resilient Development

  • Sustainable environment and infrastructure development
  • Climate-resilient infrastructure
  • Landscape modification and flow regime changes
  • Shore protection, port structure and navigation
  • Hazard/ disaster resilient infrastructure
  • Integrating grey, green and blue infrastructure
  • Blue economy

Water and Livelihood Security

  • Water security risks
  • Water conservation, water use efficiency and productivity
  • Agricultural water management
  • Sustainable fisheries and water management
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Water entrepreneurship
  • Gender in water management practices
  • Participatory and adaptive approaches to water management
  • Sustainable livelihoods and livelihood security
  • Integrated assessment of social-ecological systems (SES) for sustainable

Ecosystems and Environment

  • Ecosystem services and functions
  • Contamination of freshwater resources
  • Water pollution and ecosystem degradation
  • Management of aquatic habitats
  • Sustainable use of floodplain and coastal resources
  • Water-Energy Nexus for sustainable development

Water Governance

  • Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), Sustainable
  • Development Goals (SDGs) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in
    development planning
  • International water laws, treaties, and water rights
  • Transboundary water conflicts and opportunities for cooperation in
    common/ mutual interests
  • Institutional integration for transboundary water management
  • Basin wide management of transboundary rivers

Registration Fees:

Registration fee for one Presenting/Corresponding author:

Non SAARC Countries USD 400

Non SAARC Countries (Students) USD 200

SAARC Countries USD 200

Local participants BDT 3500

Local participants (Students) BDT 1500

Registration fee for Co-author (per person):

Non SAARC Countries USD 400

Non SAARC Countries (Students) USD 200

SAARC Countries USD 200

Local participants BDT 3500

Local participants (Students) BDT 5000

Registration fee for Delegates (per person):

Non SAARC Countries USD 400

SAARC Countries USD 150

Local participants BDT 5000

Bangladeshi citizens having full-time affiliations (as students/employees) abroad will not qualify as local participants. Registration fees will cover registration materials, inaugural ceremony, tea/coffee and lunch during conference, conference proceedings, technical visit and closing dinner. The registration fees will not cover individual, medical or personal insurance. Registration details, hotel information, visa requirements, etc., will be available on the conference website.

Method of Payment ( Participants from abroad ):

Method of Payment ( Local Participants ):


  • Participants must send the scanned copy of the payment to the conference secretariat within January 18, 2019 to initiate the registration process.
  • The original payment receipt must be submitted to the Conference Secretariat between February 23 - 27, 2019 to collect the payment slip and registration kit and complete the registration process.
  • One Person can register as maximum of two submissions as presenting/ corresponding author.

Chief Patron

Prof. Satya Prasad Majumder, Honorable Vice-Chancellor, BUET


Prof. Md. Munsur Rahman, IWFM, BUET

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Shampa, IWFM, BUET & Dr. Ahmed Ishtiaque Amin Chowdhury, IWFM, BUET

Assistant Organizing Secretary

Mr. Md. Enayet Chowdhury, IWFM, BUET
Mr. Md Shadman Sakib, IWFM, BUET
Ms. Fariha Islam Mou, IWFM, BUET
Ms. Zarin Tasnim, IWFM, BUET


Prof. A.F.M. Saiful Amin, CE, BUET
Prof. A.K.M. Saiful Islam, IWFM, BUET
Prof. A T M Hasan Zobeyer, WRE, BUET
Prof. Anisul Haque, IWFM, BUET
Prof. G M Tarekul Islam, IWFM, BUET
Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed, CE, BUET
Prof. Khan Mahmud Amanat, CE, BUET
Prof. M. Shahjahan Mondal, IWFM, BUET
Prof. Mashfiqus Salehin, IWFM, BUET
Prof. Mohammad Asad Hussain, IWFM, BUET
Prof. Mohammad Rezaur Rahman, IWFM, BUET
Prof. Mohammad Shariful Islam, CE, BUET
Prof. Mohammed Abed Hossain, IWFM, BUET
Prof. Raquib Ahsan, CE, BUET
Dr. Sara Nowreen, IWFM, BUET
Dr. Sheikh Mokhlesur Rahman, CE, BUET
Prof. Sujit Kumar Bala, IWFM, BUET


Prof. G M Tarekul Islam, IWFM, BUET


Prof. A.K.M. Saiful Islam, IWFM, BUET, Bangladesh
Dr. Ali Mohammad Rezaie, University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh
Prof. Anika Yunus, WRE, BUET, Bangladesh
Dr. Animesh Kumar Gain, Murdoch University, Australia
Dr. Gupinath Bhandari, Jadavpur University, India
Dr. Md Mizanur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director, Dhaka WASA
Prof. Md. Mostafa Ali, WRE, BUET, Bangladesh
Prof. Mehedi Ahmed Ansary, CE, BUET, Bangladesh
Prof. Mohammad Asad Hussain, IWFM, BUET, Bangladesh
Prof. Muhammad Ashraf Ali, CE, BUET, Bangladesh
Dr. Muktarun Islam, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Prof. Nehreen Majed, University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh
Prof. Nepal C Dey, BRAC University, Bangladesh
Prof. Rajib Maity, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Dr. Rijan Bhakta Kayastha, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Dr. Sayed Mohammad Nazim Uddin, Asian University for Women, Bangladesh
Dr. Shammi Haque, IWFM, BUET, Bangladesh
Dr. Sonia Binte Murshed, IWFM, BUET, Bangladesh
Prof. Tanvir Ahmed, CE, BUET, Bangladesh

Local Advisory Committee

Prof. A. S. M. Maksud Kamal, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Prof. Abul Fazal M. Saleh, Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST),
Prof. Ainun Nishat, BRAC University, Bangladesh
Prof. Anamika Barua, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India
Dr. A. Atiq Rahman, Executive Director, BCAS, Bangladesh
Dr. Biswa Bhattacharya, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands
Ms. Catharien Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Wageningen University & Research,
The Netherlands
Prof. Efi Foufoula-Georgiou, University of California, Irvine, USA
Prof. Hao Zhang, Kumamoto University, Japan
Prof. Jagath Kaluarachchi, Utah State University, USA
Prof. Jasim Imran, University of South Carolina, USA
Prof. Jim Hall, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Kenji Kawaike, Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. M. Mozzammel Hoque, Ex-faculty, IWFM, BUET, Bangladesh
Mr. Malik Fida A Khan, Executive Director, CEGIS, Bangladesh
Mr. Md. Zahirul Haque Khan, Executive Director, IWM, Bangladesh
Dr. Paul Liu, North Carolina State University, USA
Prof. Qiuhong Tang, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
Prof. Rajib Shaw, Keio University, Japan
Prof. Rajiv Sinha, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Prof. Saleemul Huq, ICCCAD, Independent University, Bangladesh
Prof. Steven Goodbred, Vanderbilt University, USA

International Advisory Committee


Institute of Water and Flood Management,

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,

Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh


E-mail: icwfm@iwfm.buet.ac.bd
Phone: 02223365601